ATS receives NTIA grant award notification for 59 member communities. Read more here.

ATS Fundraising For Members

Fundraising For ATS Communities

The ATS mission consists of three parts:

  1. Manage Tribal member 2.5GHz spectrum for use in fixed and mobile Tribal broadband networks.
  2. Seek funding to create, manage, and sustain affordable Tribal member broadband networks.
  3. Seek funding to promote broadband use and adoption/digital equity for tribal member networks.

ATS has created a last mile design that leverages the Tribal 2.5 GHz spectrum—referred to as the Alaska Tribal Network, or ATN. There are many Tribal benefits in the ATN design. The ATN will connect to any available middle mile. ATS also supports all efforts to bring more middle mile connections (fiber or satellite) for the ATN communities in rural Alaska.

The good news for Alaska is that the federal government announced their Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) in 2021 that set aside $65B in funding directed to bring Broadband For All. As of November 2022, almost all awards under the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (TBCP) have been made for fiber expansion for the middle mile combined with fiber to the home connections to the buildings in the communities. In the next 5 years or so, the fiber map for Alaska will change significantly. This is a good thing, but many rural communities will not be getting fiber for some time.

ATS also applied for funding in part one of the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (TBCP) in September 2021 to fund the installation of the ATN in a large number of its member communities that can connect to satellites right now. On September 20th, 2023, ATS received notice of an award for $29.5 M to deliver the Alaska Tribal Network (ATN) for affordable wireless mobile broadband and cell phone service for 59 of its member Alaskan villages starting in 2024 representing 2569 Tribal households, 125 Tribal community businesses, and 89 Tribal community anchor institutions. Read the full press release here.

ATS submitted a bid in March of 2024 under TBCP round 2 for use and adoption activities that will be used to benefit a large number of ATS Tribal members. ATS also submitted a bid to enable broadband in several more unserved Tribal member communities.

ATS has also supported several fiber bids for communities and encourages fiber connections to the ATN last mile for true mobility. ATS also supports USDA Reconnect efforts to bring fiber to its member communities.

ATS will work to apply for Broadband Equity Access & Deployment Program (BEAD) funding and work with the State of Alaska to apply last mile or middle mile capabilities to connect to the ATN last mile installations. The State of Alaska received over $1B in available funding to be distributed to applicants in 2024. If you are interested in joining the ATS consortium application, please contact ATS.

ATS is currently working with a large number of Tribes in applying Treasury Capital Project Funding to install their last mile broadband networks under the Tribal Library Enhancement Program (TLEP). ATS has completed over 25 of these installations in 2024.

ATS will be creating digital equity plans in coordination with a large number of its member Tribes and applying for funding to implement those plans. ATS is inviting all ATS members to join the ATS consortium application for the NTIA Capacity Grant Program.

Adding your community to the ATN is very easy to do. Join ATS as a managed member to be eligible to participate in grant awards to enable last mile buildouts in your community. There is no cost to join and you give up no rights of spectrum ownership. There is no commitment other than having ATS manage your spectrum for use on the network, which will generate income for your Tribe.

Learn more about current ATS grant activities here.


Become a member of ATS

Benefits of being a member of ATS

Benefits include Tribal revenue, ATN design advantages, chances for additional revenue, and more.

Benefits of the ATN design for your community

Benefits include Tribal revenue, better equipment pricing, and more for your community.

 Current ATS Granting Activities

NTIA Broadband Grants

On September 20th, 2023, ATS received notice of an award for $29.5 M under the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (TBCP) to deliver the Alaska Tribal Network (ATN) for affordable wireless mobile broadband and cell phone service for 59 of its member Alaskan villages starting in 2024. These villages represent 2569 Tribal households, 125 Tribal community businesses, and 89 Tribal community anchor institutions. Read the full press release here. ATS also submitted an application in March of 2024 under TBCP round 2 for use and adoption activities for 54 ATS members and to enable broadband in several more unserved comminutes.

Other upcoming grants

ATS will be applying for other upcoming broadband related grants for equipment and services from the NTIA, USDA and others. As an ATS member you will be invited to benefit as part of those applications. Learn more about ATS current grant activities.

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