ATS receives NTIA grant award notification for 59 member communities. Read more here.

ATS Members

About Our Membership

Alaska Tribal Spectrum (ATS) is a tribal member Alaskan nonprofit. The ATS charter mission was to ensure the greatest number of Tribes would benefit by reserving spectrum during the FCC 2.5 GHz Tribal Priority application.

The initial mission of ATS was to ensure that the greatest number of Tribes reserved 2.5 GHz spectrum in Alaska before the opportunity ended. ATS made this a simple process and conducted massive outreach to invite tribes to join over the web, by email, or by fax. ATS also coordinated with other individual Tribal applicants to ensure as little inadvertent overlap as possible. As a result, of the 229 possible applicants, close to 200 applied and over a third (85) of them with ATS.

This means that as a group, almost the entire state now has access to 2.5 GHz spectrum. ATS has grown from its initial 85 members to over 100 as more Tribes add their individual spectrum areas in the effort to realize this statewide Tribal network vision. This raises the real possibility to join together as one large member group to raise grant funding to create wireless last mile networks using the statewide spectrum collectively. It creates the opportunity to light up remote villages everywhere in Alaska—where there is no broadband currently available. The ATS last mile network vision is referred to as the Alaska Tribal Network or ATN. It offers true mobility for rural villages with a wealth of Tribal benefits.

Members of ATS fall into 3 types (charter, associate, or managed) depending on when a Tribe joined or will join ATS. Regardless of the type of membership, every member enjoys the same benefits. Each member will earn revenue for the use of the 2.5 GHz spectrum as part of the statewide Alaska Tribal Network (ATN).

A list of over 100 current members can be found at the bottom of this page.

ATS Member Types

Find your ATS member type

To see what type of member you are, please select your Tribe from the dropdown below.

Charter Members

The ATS Tribal consortium had a large number of Tribes join their initial FCC application. We refer to these members as charter Members in ATS.

Associate Members

During the FCC application window, ATS also reserved spectrum for many neighboring areas that included Tribal villages that did not apply on their own to ensure those areas were not lost to the Tribes forever. We refer to these Tribes as associate members.

Managed Members

We are inviting all Tribes that applied individually to the FCC to join ATS as a managed member and let ATS manage their spectrum for maximum benefit as an Alaska Tribal Network (ATN) community. We refer to these members as managed members. Managed members give up no ownership rights to their spectrum.

After your community joins ATS as a managed member, you will be eligible for the benefits of ATS membership, including future grant applications.

View the interactive map of our members and spectrum coverage area below.

Current ATS members

Tribe Name

Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove

Angoon Community Association

Anvik Village

Birch Creek Tribe

Cheesh-Na Tribe

Chevak Native Village

Chickaloon Native Village

Chignik Bay Tribal Council

Chignik Lake Village

Chilkoot Indian Association (Haines)

Chinik Eskimo Community (Golovin)

Chuloonawick Native Village

Craig Tribal Association

Douglas Indian Association

Egegik Village

Eklutna Native Village

Emmonak Village

Ivanof Bay Tribe

King Island Native Community

King Salmon Tribe

Klawock Cooperative Association

Knik Tribe

Levelock Village

Lime Village

Manokotak Village

Native Village of Akhiok

Native Village of Akutan

Native Village of Aleknagik

Native Village of Atka

Native Village of Brevig Mission

Native Village of Council

Native Village of Diomede (aka Inalik)

Native Village of Eek

Native Village of Ekuk

Native Village of Elim

Native Village of Gambell

Native Village of Georgetown

Native Village of Goodnews Bay

Native Village of Hamilton

Native Village of Hooper Bay

Native Village of Kanatak

Native Village of Karluk

Native Village of Kipnuk

Native Village of Kongiganak

Native Village of Koyuk

Native Village of Kwigillingok

Native Village of Larsen Bay

Native Village of Marshall (aka Fortuna Ledge)

Native Village of Mary’s Igloo

Native Village of Mekoryuk

Native Village of Napaimute

Native Village of Napakiak

Native Village of Napaskiak

Native Village of Nelson Lagoon

Native Village of Nightmute

Native Village of Nikolski

Native Village of Nunam Iqua

Native Village of Nunapitchuk

Native Village of Ouzinkie

Native Village of Perryville

Native Village of Pilot Point

Native Village of Saint Michael

Native Village of Scammon Bay

Native Village of Shaktoolik

Native Village of Shishmaref

Native Village of Teller

Native Village of Tyonek

Native Village of Unga

Native Village of Wales

Native Village of White Mountain

New Koliganek Village Council

New Stuyahok Village

Newhalen Village

Newtok Village

Nikolai Village

Nondalton Village

Organized Village of Kwethluk

Oscarville Traditional Village

Pauloff Harbor Village

Pitka’s Point Traditional Council

Platinum Traditional Village

Portage Creek Village (aka Ohgsenakale)

Qagan Tayagungin Tribe of Sand Point

Saint George Island

South Naknek Village

Stebbins Community Association

Sun’aq Tribe of Kodiak

Tangirnaq Native Village

Telida Village

Traditional Village of Togiak

Tuluksak Native Community

Twin Hills Village

Ugashik Village

Village of Alakanuk

Village of Aniak

Village of Atmautluak

Village of Belkofski

Village of Bill Moore’s Slough

Village of Clarks Point

Village of Crooked Creek

Village of Iliamna

Village of Kalskag

Village of Kaltag

Village of Kotlik

Village of Lower Kalskag

Village of Ohogamiut

Village of Red Devil

Village of Sleetmute

Village of Solomon

Village of Stony River

Yakutat Tlingit Tribe


Become a member of ATS

Benefits of being a member of ATS

Benefits include Tribal revenue, ATN design advantages, chances for additional revenue, and more.

Benefits of the ATN design for your community

Benefits include Tribal revenue, better equipment pricing, and more for your community.

Interactive Map of Members and Spectrum Coverage

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