Member Benefits
What are the benefits of being an Alaska Tribal Spectrum member?
If you are not already an ATS member, and you own or have applied for 2.5GHz spectrum, you have the opportunity to join ATS as a managed member.
ATS is a Tribally member nonprofit that manages a large spectrum area in Alaska, which can be used to create a 5G capable wireless last mile in every member community for affordable cell phone and broadband data service. This service can be community-wide and can generate revenue for each ATS member community.
Current ATS members are invited to be included in ATS applications for grants to provide last mile infrastructure for their benefit. ATS writes and submits the grants for its members. With a membership well over 100 communities and growing, the collective ATS voice has the ability to be very effective in raising funds and realizing its mission to bring affordable service to all of its members. That can include you. Each member also has the ability to participate in the governance of the overall spectrum policies because all ATS members have the right to nominate and vote for representatives on the ATS Policy Board.
As a managed member, you will give up no rights to your spectrum. You will still be the license owner of your spectrum and you can change your mind later. While ATS is managing it, you will receive all the benefits as listed below.
As an ATS member you can enjoy all of the following benefits ATS provides.
1. Your ATN community can be part of the Alaska Tribal Network (ATN).
2. Your community will generate revenue from spectrum data usage on the ATN.
When the ATN is built in an ATS member community, the tribe will earn micro payments in proportion to the amount of data flowing over the spectrum. Higher data usage will result in larger Tribal revenue. Therefore, it is likely that larger communities will generate larger payments, but all members will earn in proportion to what is actually used. If you are not already an ATS member, and you have a license for 2.5 GHz spectrum, you have the opportunity to join ATS as a managed member. As an ATS member, this will allow you to earn revenue when data flows over your spectrum when residents or visitors are using it. As a managed ATS member, you give up no rights of ownership in anything.
3. There are no costs or fees to be an ATS member.
Unless there are matching requirements for a particular grant opportunity, there is no cost for the opportunity to receive infrastructure, installation funding and ongoing revenue for your community when ATS is successful in raising funds. As an ATS member, you will be part of a large statewide Tribal consortium that is seeking success for all members. We are all stronger and can do so much more together.
4. Your community will be offered the chance to earn additional revenue.
As long as your Tribe meets the requirements, they can choose to be a Network Access Owner (NAO) or Virtual Service Provider (VSP) for their community and earn income.
5. ATS will continually apply for grants for its members to provide broadband for their communities.
ATS plans to apply for funding from the NTIA TBCP-2 program and NTIA digital equity program. ATS will also apply to the state of Alaska for BEAD funding related opportunities.
6. Your Tribe has the ability to nominate and elect management representatives to the Policy Board.
The ATS Policy Board is made up of ATS Tribally-elected managers that maintain the network policies of the ATN. This ensures that the ATN is managed for the maximum benefit of all Tribal members who determine their own destiny.
7. Your community can take advantage of mobility.
ATS believes the future is mobility. The Alaska Tribal Network (ATN) is designed and built to enable 5G LTE capabilities. If your community is the recipient of ATS funding, the installed network will enable broadband data and cell phone service using tribal 2.5 GHz wireless. Rather than connecting buildings, we focus on connecting people. Data and voice services will follow you wherever you are.
8. There are no Tribal requirements for network equipment maintenance.
- Network equipment upkeep and management will be maintained by the Network Access Owners (NAOs) to a standard required for top quality service. Unless the Tribe contracts to be the NAO, the Tribe need not provide any expertise or be responsible for any upkeep.
- Technical training/job skill training opportunities with local Virtual Service Providers (VSPs) for Tribal members will be offered by the VSPs.
9. FCC spectrum "Buildout" requirements will be addressed for your community.
10. ATS is responsive and aware of time-sensitive broadband opportunities and industry trends.
ATS will supply a consistent Tribal voice to ensure ATS member broadband issues and needs are addressed at state and federal levels and that you are kept up to date. As broadband funding, education, and training opportunities arise, ATS will contact its members to invite their participation.