ATS receives NTIA grant award notification for 59 member communities. Read more here.

About ATS

About the Alaska Tribal Spectrum

ATS is a Tribal member Alaskan nonprofit that in July 2020 had a primary mission to ensure that the FCC-offered 2.5 GHz spectrum was reserved for Tribal benefit before the FCC application window closed. In this mission, ATS was highly successful and, in just 2 months, ATS rallied with the support of 85 Tribal members to reserve spectrum over a large area of Alaska. This was possible because ATS understood the unique communication challenges for rural Alaskan Tribes and created a quick, simple way for Tribes to participate as a consortium and apply collectively instead of 85 individual efforts.

In 2022, Alaska Tribal Spectrum was awarded the largest 2.5GHz spectrum area in the US for the benefit of its now over 100 members.


Become a member of ATS

The mission of ATS is to:

  1. Manage Tribal member 2.5GHz spectrum for use in fixed and mobile Tribal broadband networks.
  2. Seek funding to create, manage, and sustain affordable Tribal member broadband networks.
  3. Seek funding to promote broadband use and adoption/digital equity for Tribal member networks.

Per its mission, ATS applies for grants to benefit its Tribal members.

 In Summary

What we are not

  • We are not asking any Tribe to give up any rights for their spectrum license or anything else.
  • We do not charge any fees or dues of any kind to be a member or receive benefits.
  • We are not dictating what any Tribe should do. We offer choices and many benefits. Everything is the Tribe’s decision to choose to participate or not.
  • We are not an ISP. ATS is not a competitor to existing telecommunication service providers.
  • We are not a Co-op. We are not creating a utility.

What we are

  • We are a Tribal member Alaskan nonprofit. ATS manages the network policies that govern the 2.5 GHz spectrum usage for its Tribal members to maximize benefits for those members through our Tribally managed Policy Board.
  • We are a significant collective Tribal voice for acquiring funding to make broadband affordable everywhere in Alaska.
  • We have a threefold mission:
    1. Manage Tribal member 2.5GHz spectrum for use in Tribal broadband networks.
    2. Seek funding to create, manage, and sustain affordable Tribal member broadband networks.
    3. Seek funding to promote broadband use and adoption/digital equity for Tribal member networks.
  • ATS will partner with a network provider to develop the  Alaska Tribal Network (ATN) which will provide significant benefits to our member communities. The ATN will connect to any existing microwave or fiber middle mile connections available in your community. If neither is available, advanced LEO and GEO satellite will be used instead.
  • We are a way to maximize the value of your spectrum. We are inviting all Tribes that own spectrum to consider having their spectrum managed on the ATN by joining ATS and benefitting in many ways. Your spectrum is always owned by your Tribe. Member tribes forfeit nothing. 
  • We are an easy way for your community to also receive large broadband grant funding. For example, ATS submits applications for grants to build ATN last mile infrastructure. ATS writes the grants, and enables members to easily participate and benefit when awarded.
  • We are an enabler of future mobility for your village. The ATN design leverages the 2.5 GHz spectrum to also provide LTE phone service throughout the community. Rather than just connect to buildings, the ATN connects people. Service follows you wherever you go.
  • We offer ways for existing or new telecommunication service providers to benefit and flourish on the ATN.

Benefits of the ATN design for your community

Benefits include Tribal revenue, better equipment pricing, and more for your community.

Benefits of being a member of ATS

Benefits include Tribal revenue, ATN design advantages, chances for additional revenue, and more.

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