ATS receives NTIA grant award notification for 59 member communities. Read more here.

Alaska Tribal Spectrum

Alaska Tribal Spectrum is a tribal member nonprofit with a mission to bring affordable broadband to every member community.

In 2022, Alaska Tribal Spectrum was awarded the largest 2.5GHz spectrum area in the US for the benefit of its 100 plus members.


Leverage the FCC awarded Tribal 2.5GHz spectrum to obtain last mile wireless infrastructure funding to create and expand a statewide Alaska Tribal Network (ATN) that will deliver sustainable, affordable “Broadband For All” everywhere in the State of Alaska.

Support efforts to deliver additional middle mile capacity to rural Alaska.

The Alaska Tribal Spectrum nonprofit manages member spectrum via the member-elected Policy Board to ensure the collective benefit of all of its Tribal members. How the spectrum is used by each member Tribe in their community is controlled by Tribal leadership.  

There are many benefits to being an Alaska Tribal Spectrum member. ATS membership currently includes over 100 Tribes and we are inviting all Tribes with 2.5 GHz spectrum to join us in our mission.

The Alaska Tribal Network—Closing the Digital Divide NOW.

Achieving “Broadband For All” in rural Alaska is a BIG challenge. We need to address the lack of middle and last mile infrastructure in rural Alaska. Overcoming this challenge will enable telemedicine and distance learning, create jobs, and put rural Alaskans on an even footing with the rest of the US. Think of this lack of connectivity as a BROADBAND BOULDER that we are trying to move to connect to what’s on the other side of the digital divide. We all want the same thing, to reach the other side, but as long as we all push from separate directions, there can be no significant movement in the right direction.

But, if we unify as one Tribal collective and push in the same direction – BIG Change is possible. We can all cross to the other side of the digital divide together. That is the idea behind the Alaska Tribal Network (ATN). It is a solution that can move the BOULDER to bridge the gap and bring, “Broadband For All” to rural Alaska NOW. Once this bridge is built, there will be collective advantages for every Tribal member across all of Alaska.

Per its mission, ATS will apply for funding to create the Alaska Tribal Network in every member community. Together we can do so much more.

Learn more about the ATN

The ATN concept was made possible when Alaska Tribal entities took advantage of an offer by the FCC to reserve 2.5 GHz radio spectrum in Alaska. ATS played a significant role in that success. Nearly the entire state is covered by ATS members and other Tribes that applied for the spectrum. This means that if we all work together, we can create a statewide Alaska Tribal Network that is Tribally governed. Working together we can create last mile wireless networks in every community in Alaska and provide sustainable, affordable broadband.

ATS fundraising for your Community

As part of our mission, ATS is regularly seeking new grants and subsidies to fund infrastructure and to enable affordable broadband for its members across the state. As our membership grows, our collective Tribal voice becomes louder. On September 20th, 2023, ATS received notice of an award for $29.5 M under the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (TBCP) to deliver the Alaska Tribal Network (ATN) for affordable wireless mobile broadband and cell phone service for 59 of its member Alaskan villages starting in 2024.

Add your community to the Alaska Tribal Network

There are many advantages to becoming an ATS managed member and adding your 2.5 GHz spectrum license to our large footprint with over 100 current members. As an ATS member, you will be eligible to apply with any ATS application for funding and benefit from grant funding for ATN infrastructure when awarded to ATS. There is no cost to join ATS. You give up no rights to your existing spectrum.

If you have questions, you can visit our frequently asked questions page. You can also contact us here.

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